From: "Darrell J******" 
Subject: Christians are jerks...
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 09:50:32 PST

Unfortunately many Christians are jerks...I have since returned to your site
to see if my letter made it to your feedback page.  I went through and read
more letters that were written to you.  I read one about fence sitting and
I'd have to say that many of those "Christians" who sit there slamming you,
swearing at you, and giving you (and people who believe like you) your
eternal sentence are WAY out of line!


Mr. Bedford, I bet you enjoy those letters though because you can laugh at
them and tell them what jerks they are...and rightly so.  I got very ticked
off with Christians who think they are better than everyone, but I came to a
point where I finally said...The focus of my belief is not other believers,
rather Christ who hung on a cross so that I may be saved.

I could sit here and try to prove to you that you are wrong and that I am
right but what good is that?  I can't prove you're wrong anymore that you
can prove I'm wrong.

Now, I'm assuming (not always a good thing to do I realize) that you are an
intelligent person.  You obviously have done your research and know a lot
about different religions.  You probably have a PH.D or two in Philosophy,
or Religion.  For someone to put on a web page and to claim that they
themselves are a Messiah is something that really only a person who is
educated in the area should do, but what makes you (a human being) anymore a
Messiah than me (a human being)?  By definition, Websters defines "Messiah"
as "anointed".  Who then anointed you, and what are you anointed to do?

As a Christian, I follow Jesus who lived on the earth for 33 years, and was
persecuted the whole time until the climax of his earth years which was
being crucified on a cross...the most horrible death at the time.  I follow
a person who, in some peoples opinion was only that, a person, yet even if
He was only a person, his whole life was dedicated to loving others.  Even
if he was only a person, he believed that He could change the world.  He
did...that's why 2000 years later people know who he was.  The best seller
book of all ages is proven to be the Bible.  How can one book last so long! 
Even when countries tried to ban it and to burn all the copies of
still exists.

You claim to be a Messiah, and anointed person who has come to deliver long will people know your name, and buy your hate goods?  How
long will a bumper sticker last?  If you want followers, what are you
willing to do for them?  Are you willing to lead them even if life gets
hard.  People followed Jesus (a man or doesn't matter) because He
loved them...not because he promised them material goods or favors, not
because they could rally together for the sake of an argument, but because
He loved them so much it hurt Him.

I will follow the one who loved people to the point of death...not their
death, but His.
