Subject: Interesting...Very very interesting
From: t*a*l*e*g@***** 
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 10:55:36 -0800

Well I think our entire school has seen your page. And this is the biggest
load of screligous crap i've ever laid my eyes on. I myself have no
religion but still respect our countrys right to be any religion you want.
I think many people agree with me when I say you should take your page
down immediatly.


* * *

Subject: Sorry i didn't stupid freind pressed the button *G*
From: t*a*l*e*g@***** 
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 10:56:44 -0800

As i was saying... I would like to quote my freind. . ."Enjoy your stay in
hell"  and remeber....its pretty hot down there.